Richard Liebespach (Rick)
A Christian, husband,
father, grandfather and child of adoption. At the age of 44 I found out that I was adopted.

I have multiple degrees:
Sociology; Computer Science; Karate
and traditional martial arts weapons. I am
also certified by the NRA as a firearms instructor.

I used to describe myself as
"a computer programmer by day,
karate instructor by night,
every other weekend I teach handgun safety and concealed weapons permits,
and every other weekend, I run through the woods shooting people.

I am a part of a group that uses paintball to raise money for local charities. These are charities that support widows, orphans and the families of law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty. In 6 years we raised over $60,000

I am a Speaker, Teacher, Trainer, Podcast Host and a member of my church's security strategy.

I do each of these things as an expression of my interest in the most important 5 seconds of a person's life; the time they need to get to safety when physically attacked. I ride a motorcycle, I am a paintball player and referee, and I climb indoor rock walls. While there is good reason to grow-up, there is no reason to grow old.

I believe that people are capable of more than they believe they are.